Oklahoma Weather

To say that the weather in Oklahoma is subject to extremes is an understatement. Instead of rain storms, we get dust storms. On the same day, one man can die of sunstroke at noon while his neighbor freezes to death that night.
Now, as you may well suspect, this finicky weather has an adverse effect upon our frogs. I've known the temperature to drop so fast that our frogs are stuck with their heads above the ice. One bull frog I seen musta been caught in the middle of a leap, because he was sprawled across the ice with the tip of one foot caught inside!
But the temperature is not our only weather phenomenon. No sir. The winds in Oklahoma are noteworthy too. We natives have a crowbar hole drilled through an outside wall. We use it to test the wind. You stick a crowbar through the hole, and if it bends, then the wind is normal. But if the crowbar breaks, well, then best to stay in until the wind dies down some.


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